Oration feature

Generative AI Assistant

Simplify caller intent creation.

Generative AI Icon

What is Generative AI Assistant?

Generative AI Assistant is your intelligent helper that can generate conversation components, simplifying the often complex process of creating call intents. The feature digs deep to uncover why people might call your contact centre. It identifies potential intents and populates them in your system. Even those rare or less common caller enquiries get recognised, making your system comprehensive and ready for any scenario.

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How does Oration’s Generative AI Assistant feature work?

Generative AI Assistant is a sophisticated engine that works by analysing the unique context of your organisation and its potential caller enquiries. It intelligently creates conversation intents, which are the core components of effective communication with callers. Using advanced algorithms, it suggests these intents, eliminating the need for laborious manual intent creation.

This AI-driven feature empowers you to effortlessly customise your caller experience and scale your system as your organisation grows, all while maintaining the promise of exceptional caller interactions.

What makes Oration different?

Oration is an easy-to-use contact centre plugin designed to be implemented as an overlay to your existing contact centre technology infrastructure. A SaaS cloud-based solution, Oration can be up and running within a matter of days. Its Generative AI Assitant feature is intelligent enough to suggest relevant caller intents based on potential caller needs. This level of customisation flexibility empowers you to tailor your caller experience precisely. As your business grows, Generative AI Assistant seamlessly scales with you, ensuring your system remains adaptable.

Oration: Generative AI Assistant feature

Oration will:

Reduce average handling times
Reduce average handling times
Identify and verify your callers
Identify and verify your callers
Increase uptake to self-service
Increase uptake to self-service
Provide targeted banners
Provide targeted banners
Facilitate a digital channel shift
Facilitate a digital channel shift
Improve agent and customer engagement
Improve agent and customer engagement
Support speed to competency
Support speed to competency

Discover Oration's features

You can configure Oration's features to your contact centre's needs with or without Convai's help - you choose what works best for you.

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Overview of how Oration works

Watch Oration in action to see how easy it is to use and how it can better manage the conversations in your contact centre operations.

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