Oration videos

Learn about the latest generation of speech recognition technology. Oration by Convai is a contact centre solution that enables you to better manage your customer conversations. A solution that utilises artificial intelligence to automate conversations and improve both your customer’s experience and the efficiency of your contact centre.

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C_Web_Videos_overview of how Oration works (1)
Overview of how Oration works
C_Web_Videos_what a conversation looks like in Oration (1)
What a conversation looks like in Oration?
C_Web_Videos_How to Add Banner
How to add a banner
C_Web_Videos_How to add a question (1)
How to add a question
C_Web_Identify- Knowledge-based questions
How to set up identify
C_Web_Oration-Store locator
How to set up store locator
C_Web_How to tune and optimise in Oration
How to set up tuning and optimising

How AI-powered technology can help transform your contact centre

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