Oration feature

Look Up Table

Find caller customer information faster.

Look Up Table

What is Look Up Table?

Look Up Table in Oration acts like a reference guide for in-call conversations. It allows you to embed complex data in a way that's easy for Oration to access and use. Imagine any kind of information you might need such as configuration settings, customer details or routing instructions. You can store all this data within the Look Up Table. This eliminates the need for constant connections to external databases for simple queries. Instead, development time is reduced and maintaining the solution becomes much simpler.

Look Up Table Diagram
Look Up Table Diagram-m

How does Oration’s Look Up Table feature work?

You start by adding the information you need into the Look Up Table feature. Then, when a caller asks for specific details, Oration automatically searches the table and delivers the requested information promptly. This feature simplifies data storage and retrieval, making it effortless to provide callers with the precise information they require, resulting in smoother and more efficient interactions.

What makes Oration different?

Oration is an easy-to-use contact centre plugin designed to be implemented as an overlay to your existing contact centre technology infrastructure. A SaaS cloud-based solution, Oration can be up and running within a matter of days. What sets Oration's Look Up Table apart is its seamless integration with live web support. By harnessing this integration, you can provide callers with real-time information on a wide range of topics. Whether it's updating callers on the status of their delivery orders, explaining what a particular status signifies or conveying other essential information.

Oration: Look Up Table feature

Oration will:

Reduce average handling times
Reduce average handling times
Identify and verify your callers
Identify and verify your callers
Increase uptake to self-service
Increase uptake to self-service
Provide targeted banners
Provide targeted banners
Facilitate a digital channel shift
Facilitate a digital channel shift
Improve agent and customer engagement
Improve agent and customer engagement
Support speed to competency
Support speed to competency

Discover Oration's features

You can configure Oration's features to your contact centre's needs with or without Convai's help - you choose what works best for you.

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Overview of how Oration works

Watch Oration in action to see how easy it is to use and how it can better manage the conversations in your contact centre operations.

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