Oration feature

Store Locator

Provide store information automatically.

Store Locator

What is Store Locator?

Store Locator allows callers to easily find the locations of a business's stores or offices without speaking to a representative. It works by responding to caller responses such as 'Where is your office?' and then listing relevant store location information.

Store Locator

How does Oration’s Store Locator feature work?

Oration's Store Locator feature operates by leveraging Google search to access the company's website, subsequently initiating a search for an address. When a caller mentions the name of a suburb, city or postcode, Oration retrieves and provides relevant store information, including the address and, if needed, a phone number.

What makes Oration different?

Oration is an easy-to-use contact centre plugin, designed to be implemented as an overlay to your existing contact centre technology infrastructure. A SaaS cloud-based solution, Oration can be up and running within a matter of days. What sets Oration's Store Locator apart is its ability to not only provide store information but also offer the option to redirect callers directly to those stores. This unique feature not only saves on average handling time but also effectively reduces call volumes.

How to set up store locator

Oration: Store Locator feature

Oration will:

Reduce average handling times
Reduce average handling times
Identify and verify your callers
Identify and verify your callers
Increase uptake to self-service
Increase uptake to self-service
Provide targeted banners
Provide targeted banners
Facilitate a digital channel shift
Facilitate a digital channel shift
Improve agent and customer engagement
Improve agent and customer engagement
Support speed to competency
Support speed to competency

Discover Oration's features

You can configure Oration's features to your contact centre's needs with or without Convai's help - you choose what works best for you.

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Overview of how Oration works

Watch Oration in action to see how easy it is to use and how it can better manage the conversations in your contact centre operations.

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